In line with its corporate social responsibility policies and contributing to the fulfillment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Bií Hioxo wind farm through its Community Relations team held this event in the Nacanu’ Bií Community House located in the Seventh Section of Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca (Mexico).
A community posada is a Christmas tradition whose main objective is to bring together the people of the community.
It is important to highlight the participation of the linked schools, neighbours, relatives of owners, collaborators, Xquendas, and the community in general.
On December 17th the celebration was with the community in general, with the participation of the children and young people who make up the regional band of the Nacanú Bií Community House, showing their skills with the instruments, the result of the rehearsals they have had in the workshop.
The activity counted with the valuable participation of collaborators such as Estefanía Cruz Reyna (Quality, Safety and Environment technician), Yessica Ríos Martínez (Owner Management technician), Reynaldo Castillo Alonso and Héctor Márquez Osornio (wind farm supervisors), together with Juan Castillo (Social Manager) and Daniel Ibarra (Manager of the Bií Hioxo wind farm).
In addition, various assistants from the community joined in on a voluntary basis, contributing sandwiches that were shared with all those present. These actions reinforce the union between the community and the collaborators, highlighting the joint work that has generated an atmosphere of trust and a solid social fabric.
On 18 December, the Xquendas posada was held, a group of young people who have actively and voluntarily participated in various activities with the community throughout the year.
In co-responsibility with the Nacanú Bií Community House, the young people shared a meal and typical regional snacks, creating a space for healthy coexistence and strengthening the bonds of union and collaboration among the attendees.