GPG Mexico develops the first module of the “Energy School” in Tuxpan (Veracruz, Mexico).

On the weekend of19 and 20 October, in the surroundings of the Tuxpan III and IV CCP the social relations area organised the Energy School. It was held in the facilities of theAuditorio Ejidal in the community of Práxedis Guerrero, at km 18 of the Ruta de los Kilómetros in Tuxpan. 


This project, which is developed in four modules, aims to promote environmental awareness and energy knowledge, ecotechnology and solutions to mitigate energy poverty in the region.  

Forty-two persons attended the first module. Among these were community agents, local leaders, environmental educators, students and volunteers. 

The session began withthree experiential learning dynamics, an icebreaker and two activities with the intention of generating community. They were led by Ramadán Salazar González, in charge of CSR in Latin America. 


Dr. Blanca Esther Raya Cruz from the Universidad Veracruzana spoke on sustainable development with an emphasis on the Sustainable Development Goals. 

 On the second day, Master of Science (MSc) Mauricio Hernández Sánchez, from the Institute of Ecology of the State of Veracruz (IVEECO), told us about the benefits of ecotechnologies and alternative energies. 

 Carlos Villegas, chemical service technician at Tuxpan III and IV CCP, spoke about theenergy situation, the energy transition and the operation of combined-cycle power stations. 

 At the end of Saturday’s activities, attendees enjoyed a meal prepared by the family of Jimena Reyes Cruz, a resident of the community of Práxedis Guerrero and beneficiary of the Solidarity Day scholarship.


Module I goals: 

  • Promote environmental awareness and a culture of sustainability in communities. 
  • Drive the use of ecotechnologies and energy alternatives and through these to contribute to the reduction in energy poverty. 
  • Strengthen local capabilities for environmental management. 
  • Contribute to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals. 


“I would like educational areas to be created for the development of the community”explained Arsenio García, community agent at Práxedis Guerrero, km 18. 

 “I wish all communities could have a drainage system, promote sports, traditional dances, and culture in general”stated Román Rangel Cruz, resident of Esperanza, km 8.


Photos of the “Energy School”: 