The Dolega hydroelectric power plant receives a visit from several sixth grade students (Chiriquí, Panama)

On 19 August , colleagues from the Dolega Hydroelectric Power Plant, located in the province of Chiriquí, Panama, received a visit to the facilities from sixth-grade students from the Colegio Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles de David.

During the visit, the students had the opportunity to visit the facilities and see the mechanism by which energy is produced by harnessing the waters from the Cochea River by means of a diversion dam and an intake.

They also visited the Dolega museum, where the old power plant machinery is held, one of the first in Panama together with the Macho del Monte power plant.


“Personally, I was very pleased with the children’s visit, among them was one of my daughters, and it was an opportunity for her to learn about my work and that of the generation team,” said Gabriel A. Vega Ríos, O&M Panama


Some of the images from the day’s events:

The Dolega hydroelectric plant was registered with the United Nations as a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project for its contribution to reducing greenhouse gases as well as being a hydroelectric plant with a net capacity of 3.1 MW
