The plant has an Integrated Management System and certification in terms of Quality (ISO 9001) and the Environment (ISO 14001). It obtained Environmental Quality Certification in 2006 and Safe Industry Certification in 2008 from the Secretariat of Employment and Social Welfare.
Since 2008, it has also had Clean Industry Certification from Mexico’s Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA).
Global Power Generation has worked continuously with the affected community. Besides working on the project itself, which is a wealth generator in its own right, it has launched initiatives that help to improve the living conditions of local inhabitants and its employees:
Contribution to the improvement of community institutions: Provision of resources for the Municipal DIF, as well as the Red Cross, a water park and various educational institutions.
Supporting education and culture: Donations have been made to education centres for the improvement of nurseries. Talks on climate change are given to local schools year after year.
Support for the COVID-19 health emergency: Donation in kind for the Red Cross and Subzone 12 IMSS General Hospital for the protection of medical staff and improved care for patients with COVID-19. Donations of food and basic necessities to vulnerable families were also made in coordination with the Municipal DIF of Agua Prieta.