Health, safety and well-being

Nothing is more important than people's health, safety and well-being

Our Health and Safety at Work Policy

We consider health and safety management a key factor in business leadership. Doing things right the first time means doing them safely, avoiding accidents and/or harm to health, and obtaining optimal and effective results in all the activities.

We plan and develop our activities keeping in mind that nothing is more important than people’s health, safety and well-being. Our activity goes beyond meeting legal obligations and other requirements, driving continuous improvement in working conditions and health, safety and well-being management. We involve not only professionals from our company in this task but also suppliers, partner companies, clients and other stakeholders, with the aim of avoiding and preventing accidents and harm to health while providing a safe, healthy atmosphere and promoting health and well-being.

Our commitments:

  • To ensure that health and safety is a non-delegable individual responsibility which, based on an evident collective commitment, is led by senior management and is proactively and fully affirmed by the entire organisation, partner companies and suppliers.      
  • To establish health and safety as an individual responsibility that conditions the employment of Naturgy workers and their partner companies’ activities.    
  • To ensure that any potentially risky situation that could affect workers, suppliers, customers, the public or the safety of the facilities is suitably notified, assessed and managed.    
  • To work to maintain a risk-free work environment, integrating risk prevention at work and actions to protect and promote health and well-being into the business management.     
  • To establish learning as a driver of safety culture through ongoing training, accident and incident analysis, spreading the lessons we have learned, and promoting and educating on health.     
  • To integrate stringent safety and health criteria into business processes, new projects, activities, facilities, products and services, as well in the selection and evaluation of partner companies whose compliance determines whether we begin and continue doing business with them.       
  • To invest in new health education and promotion strategies that allow the workplace to become a conduit for healthy practices for workers and their environment.      
  • To implement actions designed to improve the quality of life, well-being and health of those that are part of the communities where the company operates.       
  • To provide the resources and means necessary to always meet the established safety standards.


Our commitment to health and safety stems from its board of directors, which focuses on governance and directly links with senior management, boosting their leadership in health, safety and well-being. Our Corporate Responsability Policy was approved by the Board of Directos in 2019.

This policy aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (3. Health and well-being; 5. Gender equality and 8. Decent work and economic growth), and is materialised in five principles that govern all our actions and strengthen the social variable of our sustainability model.

Improvement targets in Health and Safety

The established accident and absenteeism targets are well below the average values for the utilities sector and are at “best in class” levels.

Frecuency Rate

Measures the number of recordable accidents per million hours worked.

During 2023, the Frequency Rate for our own staff was 1.19.

Severity Rate

Measures the number of lost workdays due to an accident per thousand hours worked.

During 2023, the Severity Rate for our own staff was 0.031.

Occupational Health & Safety hours

In 2023, our staff completed 25,972 hours of Occupational Health and Safety training.

% Assessment of OHS performance Collaborating Companies >50%

Relationship between the number of high-risk purchases that have undergone a performance assessment in Health and Safety and the total number of purchases in that category.

OHS Management System
Management system in Health organisation

Our commitment to health and safety stems from its board of directors, which focuses on governance and directly links with senior management, boosting their leadership in health, safety and well-being.

The Board of Directors’ Sustainability Committee is the highest body responsible for governance of sustainability and ESG aspects at Naturgy. It periodically oversees risk management and opportunities in health and safety matters and their potential positive and negative impacts, promoting improvement actions, setting targets and promoting projects to help achieve them.

With this vision, the health and safety governance model is consolidated through a hierarchy of health and safety committees with a top-down approach, which is adapted to business structures and guarantees a homogeneous implementation of criteria throughout the organisation.

  • Board of Directors. Monthly report EHS KPIs
  • Audit Commission Annual H&S benchmarking
  • ESG Commission. Sustainability KPI