A new greenhouse opens in México

In line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, GPG Mexico inaugurated a greenhouse in the facilities of its combined cycle power plant in Norte Durango, Mexico. The aim of this project is to make the production of native species in the area a success and to promote new reforestation programs, in order to create a more sustainable future.

“With the creation of this greenhouse, we have the opportunity to join in the fulfilment of a great goal of humanity: to counteract the consequences of deforestation, which is undoubtedly one of the greatest environmental concerns that exists today worldwide,” said Pablo Alberto Leyva Garcia, head of the plant.

David Adrian Najera Vela, head of the environmental area at the plant, highlighted that it is essential to have the commitment of all sectors, from academia to the public and private sectors, so that a project such as the greenhouse can turn new seeds into trees or shrubs, integrate them into the ecosystem and contribute effectively to the care of the habitat of animal and plant species typical of the region.

“Our central has created a new tool for social transformation with the goal of creating a community more concerned and engaged in the improvement of our habitat (…) Our greenhouse is a starting point to create this synergy and advance in the fight against the degradation of natural resources and in the improvement of the quality of life of our community”, said David.

These Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions are part of the fundamental axis of our activity. We will therefore continue to promote projects that contribute to responsible environmental management and have a positive impact on the environments in which we operate.
