Committed to health and safety in Kenya

Our goal is to prioritise safety by maintaining the five basic principles established in the “Health and Safety Commitment” at the forefront of everyone’s minds: nothing is more important than health and safety; every accident can be avoided; safety is a management responsibility; it is also an individual responsibility; and all work should be planned and carried out with safety in mind.

Leadership, participation and training

“Health and Safety Commitment” is a project developed under a leadership and participation model. On the one hand, leaders with a duty to convey and raise awareness of the improvements to be made among both their own employees and those of partner companies have been identified. On the other hand, and once the what, why and how were communicated effectively, a strong level of participation was achieved based on the fact that Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a responsibility for all and should be taken into consideration when performing any task. All this is achieved with teamwork, because “if one fails, we all fail”.

Through this project, we seek to guarantee the safety of all employees, both our own and those of partner companies, suppliers, visitors, etc. To that end, we strive to minimise the risks present at an industrial facility of this nature, as well as to ensure it is perceived as a safe and controlled environment, both in terms of the installations themselves and the conduct, training and mentality of the personnel who perform their duties every day at our plant in Kenya.

As a result, the frequency index (FI) and severity index (SI) have been drastically reduced to the point that only one minor accident has occurred in the last five years, and we continue working towards the ongoing improvement goal that is deeply rooted throughout the organisation to achieve a zero-accident rate.

Another basic aspect of the project is the ongoing training provided, the cornerstone of our success. For this reason, the OHS training goals have been doubled and tripled for some years with the final results achieved.

Change of mentality

Our client and other Independent Power Plants (IPP) in Kenia get in touch with us and visit our installations to discover our health and safety model, because they are starting to realise how important it is to look after the health and safety of the greatest asset for any company – its workers.
