Construction work continues on the Cabo Leones 2 project in Chile

Following the completion of civil engineering work, the construction of the Cabo Leones II wind farm continues to move forward.

The foundations of the farm’s 49 wind turbines will now be laid and the control centre and substation, which will have two 102-MVA power transformers, will be built, in addition to the evacuation line.

This wind farm will have a capacity of 204 MW. It is located on a 3,500-hectare plot in the Commune of Freirina, in the Huasco province (Chile), in a zone declared by the Chilean government as a pole of non-conventional renewable energy source development.

Furthermore, in this magical place where the dessert meets the Pacific Ocean, environmental monitoring work is carried out. This has involved the liberation of flora and fauna, archaeological monitoring and other environmental aspects before the start of earth-moving operations, with the construction of a greenhouse to increase the bushes, cacti and geophytes’ chances of survival. In terms of archaeological monitoring, an activity carried out at the same time as civil engineering work, no important discoveries were made.

Work began in 2019 and the wind farm is set to start production before the end of 2020.
