GPG is contributing towards the fight against COVID-19 in the Dominican Republic

We are working with the community of Batey Palamara, in the area of the Palamara-La Vega Power Plant (Dominican Republic), donating medical supplies for the prevention of COVID-19 (masks, gloves and alcohol).

The material was received by the Chair of the Board of Residents, Mr Elias Gonzales Brito, who, in coordination with the Board’s directors, has distributed them to families in the community.

Global Power Generation has two thermal power plants in the Dominican Republic (the Palamara Engine Power Plant and the La Vega Engine Power Plant). Both plants have a total power generation capacity of 190 MW.

In addition to this initiative, GPG is also carrying out social and educational projects to help the vulnerable population around Palamara and La Vega, in order to promote equal opportunities and boost socio-economic development in its operational environment. This activity is in line with its corporate responsibility policy, which promotes the creation of shared wealth with a positive social impact in the regions where it conducts its activities.
