GPG hands out 68 scholarships to students in Mexico

Each scholarship comes with economic support amounting to 5,200 pesos, which will help these students pay for their basic needs and concentrate on their studies.

The scholarship presentation ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Tuxpan (Mexico), Juan Antonio Aguilar Mancha, the Deputy Technical Control Manager of GPG, Francisco Cerezo, and the President of the Municipal DIF, Elda García Martínez. The leading local authority congratulated GPG on its social responsibility commitment to the community in Aire Libre Km. 15 and added that these scholarships help raise the level of education in the municipality and allow young people to develop academically so, in the future, they can contribute to growth and progress in Tuxpan.

Francisco Cerezo, the Deputy Control Manager at GPE, then expressed his gratitude to the Mayor of Tuxpan, the President of the DIF and her team. He stressed that the local government has demonstrated its commitment to the students at this centre. Finally, he called for responsibility from the students to ensure they continue to maintain their good academic standards.

Subsequently, and together with the municipal authorities, the scholarships were handed out to the 68 students.
