GPG México a través del parque eólico Bií Hioxo realiza una reforestación en una escuela secundaria de Oaxaca

GPG Mexico, through the Bií Hioxo wind farm and its Nacanu’ Bií Community Centre, has reforested a secondary school in Juchitán (Oaxaca, Mexico). 

The lack of plants and green spaces to mitigate the effects of heat waves in the Juchitán area has been one of the main concerns identified by the community in recent times. 

As such, last Friday, 18 May68 fruit and shade trees were donated and transplanted at the Escuela Secundaria Técnica Número 50, located in the fourth district of this city, in response to a request to carry out activities with students to promote environmental protection, one of the main objectives of GPG Mexico. 


Sixty people took part in the activity, including managers, administrative staff and a group of first grade students, in coordination with the members of the Nacanu’ Bií Community Centre, who at the end of the event shared snacks and a hydration area as part of their commitment to the community. 


Pictures from the reforestation day:

For GPG Mexico, conducting environmental actions with agents of change in training, such as students, is a fundamental step towards participatory communities and the promotion of a greener planet.
