GPG Mexico celebrates World Environment Day through various activities with communities

FIRST ACTIVITY: SDG and environmental education projects for Los Kilómetros

30 young people from Telebachillerato from the Km 8 community are participating in the environmental education group that the community relations team has been implementing on the site for several weeks. Three projects are being worked on in this telebachillerato: 


  • Water culture
  • Educational vegetable garden
  • Rescue nursery for native and endemic seedlings.


These projects involve students in the collection of germplasm, the germination of seeds for the nursery and vegetable garden, the promotion of a culture of water care, knowledge of pollinators, knowledge of the milpa, concepts of biodiversity and resilience in the face of climate change.


As a result, on 4 June, in the framework of World Environment Day, an eco-awareness poster workshop was held to highlight the 4 Sustainable Development Goals: clean water and sanitation, life below water, life on land and climate action.


In addition, on 5 Juneposters were placed in strategic places in the community: streets, roads, bus stops and a clean-up was carried out of the entire community.

Some of the photos taken during the posters workshop to create ecological awareness:

SEGUNDA ACTIVIDAD: Bií Hioxo y Nacanu´Bií organizan reforestación en el istmo de Tehuantepec

En la unidad deportiva del Instituto de Estudios Superiores del Istmo de Tehuantepec se sembraron 50 plántulas de distintas especies de árboles nativos del istmo de Tehuantepec.


SECOND ACTIVITY: Bií Hioxo and Nacanu’ Bií organise reforestation in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec

Fifty seedlings from different species of trees native to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec were planted in the sports unit of the Institute of Higher Studies of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.


This activity was carried out in conjunction with the “Cancheros” football team, and was attended by 27 parents70 children aged 4 to 12 and, in addition to the management team, we had the support of two colleagues from the wind farm:


  • Carlos López Toledo, Bií Hioxo Supervisor
  • Juan Manuel Reyes Montaño, head of security.


“Thank you very much for the support, at the end of the day this is for the benefit of our children and, of course, we are committed as parents to take care of and water the plants”, said Carlos López Toledo

Photos taken during reforestation in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec:



THIRD ACTIVITY: Naco Nogales combined-cycle power station donates 80 seedlings to Agua Prieta schools

As part of World Environment DayNaco Nogales CCP donated 80 seedlings to the Jesús Quijada Aguilar and Nueva Creación schools, which will be in safekeeping for a few days before reforestation can take place with the students and parents. These seedlings were planted in the power station’s greenhouse and are part of our commitment to the surrounding communities and stakeholders.

Photos of the greenhouse at the power station once the seedlings have been planted:



GPG Mexico aims to provide children and young people with practical knowledge and information on the challenge of forming new generations in their communities who are committed to the care and defence of the planet. 
