The Hermosillo combined cycle power plant reforests the “Alfonso Ortiz Tirado” Primary School with 50 new trees

As part of our commitment to community development, GPG Naturgy Group has the opportunity to work alongside organisations such as the Kairós Project. In collaboration with this initiative, we have reforested the “Alfonso Ortiz Tirado” Primary School in Hermosillo, Sonora.

Fifty trees were planted in this educational institution’s facilities from 1 to 6 October this year. In addition, three water connections were installed over a 90-metre area as close as possible to the new trees to ensure that they are watered regularly. Three species were planted: 17 mesquite trees, 17 palo verde trees and 16 neem trees

The foundations of these water connections were built with a robust design that will ensure a long service life. Furthermore, specialists from the Kairós Project ensure that, thanks to the installation of these water connections, a high percentage of these trees will survive, thereby facilitating future strategies related to reforestation, vegetable patches or school nurseries.

The trees were distributed so that they do not obstruct playing areas or walkways. Once students go back to school, it is hoped that the shade provided by these trees will have a positive effect on recreational activities that take place outside the classroom.

The institution’s caretaker, Mr Ángel, was involved in the entire process and played a fundamental role, as he was in charge of watering the areas two times per week.

The aim is for the school’s teaching and administrative staff to get involved in taking care of these green areas once they return to work. Moreover, environmental awareness and seedling germination workshops will be held with students.
